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Milena Golubeva

I go to My Thai for a massage at least a couple of times a month. I have never seen the procedures done here anywhere else. In addition to the fact that after the massage my muscle pain and tension go away, all my nervous tension and anxiety are also relieved.

Each procedure here is a whole ritual!


Excellent salon. I visited twice, had a Balinese massage and a spa program and was completely delighted. The masters were different, but they were both good. At the end, you will receive a delicious compliment, tea with nuts and candied fruits. Very atmospheric, aroma sticks, music, dim the lights, for an hour or two you completely switch off your head.

Natalia G.

I visited the salon by chance. My back hurt and I found the nearest one based on reviews. They immediately made an appointment for me that same day. The administrator was very nice and welcoming, she asked what was bothering me and what intensity of massage I needed. The master is simply magnificent, she worked with the problem area and not only. In general, a solid 5! I will come again and will recommend to everyone👍🏼

Annabella Troshina

I came for a massage without having decided which type to choose. The administrator greeted me very well, told me about the types of massage, gave recommendations. I settled on an oil massage of the whole body. It turned out to be a gorgeous procedure, after which my lower back pain finally went away. I will definitely come here again, I really liked it


Very pleasantly surprised, excellent service, atmosphere and comfort. Massage is done by professionals, thank you very much.

Irina D.

I visited the MY Tyai spa salon. I really wanted to share my impressions. The first plus is the administrator Victoria, a very nice and sociable girl who knows her business. The second plus is that I was lucky, I got to the master Ann, incredible, just super! This energy, smile, and what warm hands! And the next pluses: clean, cozy, comfortable, keep it up!

Daria Filipchik

Recently visited the SPA and was very pleased! The atmosphere is amazing, the murmur of water, music. A pleasant administrator, a professional massage therapist, who literally from the first minutes relieved all the tension. I will definitely visit this wonderful place!

Anna Krasilnikova

Amazing place. Just delight. I didn’t know what a Thai massage was before. Thai women work there. They are obviously masters of their craft. Of course, this is not a relaxing massage, more like a chiropractor’s appointment. But then you just fly. Such relaxation!!! After the third session, my back clearly became straighter and my health improved. It’s nice that after the session you can sit and drink tea at a table in the foyer.

Tamara S.

I really liked the salon, cozy atmosphere. Thanks to the administrator for the warm welcome. I am delighted with the massage, 100% relaxation. Many thanks to the master for the quality massage. I will definitely come again and more than once.)))


My husband and I went with a gift certificate for the “My Thai” program + steaming in a cedar barrel. Cozy, clean. We were met by a friendly administrator, explained what and how and in what order. They gave us robes, slippers, disposable underwear. First, there was steaming in a barrel for 10 minutes for each, and then the massage itself. The masseuses do not speak Russian, communication was in English. They clarified all preferences. The massage itself was at a good level, at some point it seemed that now we will leave the salon, and there is not gray dampness, but hot sun 🙂 After the massage, they offered tea. The impressions after the visit were pleasant. In general, you can go when there is no opportunity to fly to Thailand, but really want to feel a piece of the atmosphere of this warm country.

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