Armoplasty (figure correction)

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ATTENTION! Available only in salons at st. Marata, 22-24

Thai massage salon “My Thai” invites you to armoplasty procedures in St. Petersburg for body shaping and long-term preservation of the result.

Armoplasty is a special method of intensive impact on the body with hands, which allows to significantly reduce the proportions of the body.

Armoplasty is called manual liposuction for the ability to model the figure by eliminating excess fat.

For example, abdominal armoplasty allows you to get rid of fat deposits, tighten the skin, increase its elasticity, remove excess fluid from the body.

A minimum of procedures to achieve an effective result (for 2-3 sessions minus 1 size), long-term preservation of the result, acceleration of metabolism, increased immunity, improved overall well-being, the minimum number of contraindications.

Armoplasty manual massage is carried out by local study of problem areas. The massage therapist softens dense formations, creates conditions for blood and lymph flow, as well as the gradual removal of softened fat, decay products, and toxins from the body.

This is a rather painful exposure to the hands lasting 1 hour. After the massage, redness remains, which quickly disappears. Small bruises may also appear. There is no recovery period.

The patient is advised to drink more fluids and increase physical activity.

To get the desired result, you can purchase a subscription for 10 visits with a 20% discount.

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