Balinese massage

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It is almost impossible to overestimate the benefits of massage – the competent actions of a massage therapist allow you to get rid of fatigue in the shortest possible time, relax your muscles, activate blood circulation, which ultimately leads to improvements at all levels of the patient’s physical and psycho-emotional state.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that such a universal method of influencing the human body was adopted by different peoples and brought to perfection by many of them. So different massage techniques appeared. In recent years, Balinese massage has become increasingly popular all over the world.

Balinese massage technique is multifaceted and interesting – it includes deep and acupressure massage, Ayurveda, reflex and aromatherapy, meditation practices, impact on the human body not only through the skin, but also through energy fields. As a result, we observe a deep relaxation of a person, an acceleration of blood circulation (with all the ensuing pleasant and beneficial consequences), an increase in muscle tone.

In the Balinese massage salon, the client can relax, forget about negative thoughts, any problems, recharge with positive emotions and expectations. Not only the massage itself contributes to a good mood, but also the surroundings – incense and aromatic oils, without which it is impossible to imagine a Balinese massage. The massage itself is aimed at relaxing the body, removing muscle fatigue, blocks. After just a few procedures, clients notice an improvement in their psycho-emotional state: depression disappears, there is no trace of chronic fatigue, and stress no longer has such power over a person as before.

Traditional Balinese massage is often used as a cosmetic procedure – in a few sessions, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, which improves the nutrition of dermal cells, saturates them with oxygen, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen: all this naturally leads to an improvement in the appearance of the skin, it becomes more elastic, smoother, younger. During Balinese massage sessions, masters use oils that saturate the skin with minerals, vitamins, deeply moisturize and nourish it.

The mechanism of action of Balinese massage on the body

During the Balinese massage, muscle and soft tissues are deeply worked out. Blood and organs are saturated with oxygen, which allows you to normalize blood circulation, and as a result, improve cell nutrition. Thanks to active mechanical influences on certain parts of the body, the elasticity of muscle tissue increases, muscle tone improves – all this allows you to speed up metabolic processes at the intercellular level, and remove toxins and waste substances from the body as quickly as possible in a natural way.

During the Balinese massage, the specialist pays special attention to the energy lines of a person – removing energy blocks, working through the squeezed places. As a result, after the first session, a person notices a surge of vivacity and energy.

How is Balinese massage different from Thai?

Generally speaking, Thai massage is aimed at working out the ligaments and joints, while Balinese deals with muscle tissue. In addition, Balinese massage is harder, more powerful, but before each procedure, the master discusses with the client the strength of the possible impact on different parts of the body. So, for example, if you are interested in a Balinese facial massage, then it is obvious that it will be as accurate and light as possible.

Masters of Balinese massage tune in to the energy, mood of the client, taking into account his pain threshold, individual characteristics of the body, the condition of muscles and skin. During the massage, techniques and elements of traditional massages of other countries and peoples can be used – Chinese, Indian, Swedish, and so on. During the session, the massage master not only works with each muscle, but also closely monitors the emotional state of the patient.

Balinese massage can correct problems such as:

  • high fatigue;
  • increased physical, mental or emotional stress, the impact of stress;
  • reduced immunity against the background of which there are frequent infectious diseases, colds;
  • previous injuries;
  • severe migraines, headaches;
  • sleep disorders;
  • neuroses, chronic fatigue;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • non-standard (low or high) muscle tone.

But Balinese massage (like any other types of massage techniques) has its own contraindications: it is not recommended to go to a Balinese massage salon if a person has vein diseases, gynecological diseases, inflammatory diseases, oncology, blood diseases, allergies, chronic diseases in the acute stage. If you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, before contacting a massage therapist, you should consult a doctor.

My Thai massage studio offers Balinese massage in St. Petersburg on the best terms: experienced masters, equipped rooms are at your service. We strive to find an individual approach to each of our clients, we delight you with affordable prices. Contact us!

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