Massage with herbal bags “GENTLE ORCHID”

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Thai massage with bags in Russia is not a very well-known service. Meanwhile, this technique is already more than two and a half thousand years old. The founder of Thai herbal massage is Jivaka Kumar Bhashi, a healer from the time of the Buddha, a connoisseur of medicinal plants. It was he who decided to combine the healing power of herbs and the effectiveness of massage techniques. From his suggestion, a technique was born when the active points of patients are worked out not with their hands, but with the help of warm fabric sachets with medicinal herbs inside.

Generally speaking, Thai massage with herbal bags contains the effect of many procedures:

  • phytotherapy. During the session, the patient’s pores expand, the healing components of plants penetrate the body, activating or slowing down internal processes. In addition, such herbs have a healing effect on the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity;
  • aromatherapy. The technique involves the use of warm bags with herbal preparations: heated herbs emit an aroma that calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system;
  • thermal technology. Water exposure to elevated temperature tissue sachets open the pores of the body. Blood circulation also increases, the movement of lymphatic currents accelerates, metabolic processes, body cleansing processes, and breathing are activated;
  • acupuncture, pressure therapy. When performing a Thai massage with bags of herbs, the masseur kneads, pushes through some areas on the human body, which helps to activate the work of reflex organs;
  • tantric practices. Considering that this technique came from the East, it is not surprising that the closest attention is paid to the impact on energy flows. The movements of the master clear the meridians, correct the energy flows, so that after the end of the session, the patient experiences lightness in the whole body, an unprecedented rise in strength.

Массаж с травяными мешочками "НЕЖНАЯ ОРХИДЕЯ"

This is the optimal procedure for patients with an increased pain threshold. If traditional acupressure brings you discomfort and pain, consider doing a massage with hot bags. This procedure is also indicated for those who are exposed to stress. It will help with depression and nervous breakdowns, with pain in the spine or joints, with sleep disorders and phobias, with chronic fatigue and frequent colds. Also, the procedure will help with obesity, bronchitis, asthma, certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Whom to entrust massage with hot herbal pouches?

Experienced massage therapists work in the My Thai salon, who know everything about Thai massage techniques, and even more. If you want to get maximum pleasure and benefit from the procedure, call the phone on the site and sign up for a trial session. If necessary, our managers will advise you on the indications and contraindications of the procedure, please contact us!

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