The limitless power of herbs

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Procedure description:

  • Herbal full body scrub ( 20 min)
  • Herbal body mask ( 30 min )
  • Oil massage with herbal bags ( 90 min)
  • tea drinking

Result: Antibacterial and antimicrobial action, strengthening the immune defense of the skin. The skin becomes soft and silky, there is a rejuvenating effect, active blood flow to the skin, cleansing and detoxification of the skin. The procedure has a tightening effect, improves the rate of metabolic processes, inhibits the processes of wilting, reduces inflammation on the surface of the skin.

Good to know: According to practicing spa therapists, Thai herbalism is a system of beliefs in the forces of Nature and the Earth. People just need to get back to using traditional healing systems, as their healing power is enormous! We are proud to present a new unique body spa program, which is based on products consisting of a composition of seven types of healing herbs. Which, thanks to their antibacterial and antifungal properties, make your skin cleaner, as well as ensure the growth of new and strengthen old skin cells.

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